This year we decided to spend Easter with our own family. I cooked a yummy dinner, and then made an easter cake. It turned out cute, but the kids didn't like it because it had coconut on it. The kids had fun at the easter egg hunt at the park. During dinner I asked the kids what their Easter lesson was about at church. Taiylor starting telling about the resurrection and what it meant. Trenton started getting really concerned and was saying " I don't want to be resurrected and die. I want to stay just how I am." Poor guy. He didn't quite understand. I tried to explain to him, but he was pretty worried about it.
Friday, April 4, 2008
Georgia Trip
Josh's Wedding was on March 6th. It was a beautiful outdoor wedding. It was so fun. All of our family was there except Jared, Taiylor and Trenton. Emma and I flew down on the 5th. We went to the rehearsal dinner that night at a yummy Japanese Steakhouse and then that night went to a lingerie party for Kalyn.
She is a really cute, sweet girl. They both look so happy together. The reception was awesome. Good food, dancing, and mingling
We got a picture of all the Widman kids, which I have been wanting to do for awhile. Don't I have handsome brothers! I think so. I love my brothers. They are all so fun. Maybe someday we will live closer to each other.
Overall, it was a very fun trip. It was fun to stay with my parents and let Emma bond with them. I loved visiting with Sam and Joy and Spencer and his family. I love David and Katelyn. It was really fun to spend some quality time with them. They are such cuties. Emma loved playing with them.
I finally got to see my dad's new vette. It is beautiful. Emma and I took a cruise in it around the block. FUN!
Posted by Genny at 9:31 PM 0 comments
Time Out for Women
While I was in Georgia I got to go to TOFW in Tallahassee, FL. It was wonderful. I went with my good friend, Holly Keyton. I came back feeling so uplifted and ready to take on my household again. The speakers were great. One of the speakers was Jason Wright(author of The Wednesday Letters) He was so good, as was the book. If any of you get a chance to go to a TOFW, be sure and go. THey are well worth the money.
A few key things I picked up:
*Family Service Ideas: thank you notes, pick projects that help your children grow, family service will help a child feel the spirit.
*Forgiveness is the gift you give yourself.
*A prayer is the window into the soul of your spouse.(love this one)
*Have an anxious concern for the comfort and well being of your spouse. Pres Hinckley.
*Create a heavenly home for your children know matter what they do.
* Let your child know their mother loves them
* The spirit of contention will depart if we read the scriptures. Marion G. Romney
Posted by Genny at 9:25 PM 1 comments