Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Update on Emma

So, I have taken Emma to her pediatrician, dentist, audiologist and we really couldn't pin point why she has been having speech problems. I ended up taking her to a pediatric ENT(ear, nose, throat) and she was awesome. Her ears look great, but right off she said she was tongue tied and needed to have her lower frenulum clipped. Finally. I thought that was the problem all along. I guess you have to follow your motherly instict. The nurses at the hospital when she was born thought she was tongue tied and I think she just learned to work around it. Anyway, she is having the procedure done this Thursday. I am really nervous for her. She is going to be on some medication to try and help her relax, but I know it is still going to be a fight. She is now going to have to try and learn all over again with her new tongue. I talked to the speech therapist today and her first session is next Tuesday. She will start going once a week and we will see how it goes. She is my little baby and I feel so bad for her. She also sucks her thumb and rubs her silky blanket while sucking. The pediatrician and speech therapist have told me that she needs to stop sucking her thumb to help with her progress. It is going to break her heart and mine, but I know it needs to happen. Today I emptied all the drawers of sippy cups, (I know I am a little late doing it) and Emma was so sad. I guess since she is my youngest baby I have babied her more. Anyway, we are on our way towards progress.