Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Yep, that's right I am now 35 years old. How did I get this old? I had a great birthday. The kids were really cute and all wanted to make me something. Taiylor gave me a coupon book.

*make my bed
*do laundry
*one day of cleaning house
*putting away my laundry
*make my bed

I am super excited about the coupon book. Taiylor also made me a picture frame with a picture in it. Emma wanted to do something similar so she made me a little book about things she likes about me.

*Your very understanding
*I love to hang out with you
*I'm your little sweetheart
*I love how you dress
*Your kind

What sweet girls. Trenton wrote me a nice note on my blog. I am very blessed to have such amazing children.

Jared and I went to lunch at Brewsky's and did a few errands in town. Since I quit working I have been able to go with him a few different times and run errands. It has been kind of fun. We visit and just enjoy each others company.

My dear friend, Emilee Mclinn, and I went to the Boise mall on Saturday and did some shopping, KIDLESS. It was such a treat to be able to just relax and shop without any interruptions. She treated me to getting my nails done. It was so fun. Then Jared and Ryan met up with us later and we went to dinner and a movie. All in all it was a great birthday.

Oh, I almost forgot. Jared made me a very special gift this year. He made me a slide show of pictures of me throughout the years and put a song to it (One friend by Dan Seals) Our computer is messed up right now so he couldn't finish it but I was so touched by it. It brought tears to my eyes. I truly love my life, especially with my one true friend, Jared. We have been through a lot of things in the almost 12 years we have been married. I wouldn't want to go through any of it without him.