Friday, November 14, 2008

Great Grandpa and Emma

Great Grandpa was over and Emma climbed up on his lap with her "bebe" and cuddled. Way cute. She calls him nama because she gets confused with saying Grandpa. I think he kinda likes cuddling with her.

An update on Emma's doctors appointment. Her tongue is fine. The doctor wants to check her hearing and have her go to a speech therapist.


Candace said...

Your kids are so cute- especially that picture with Dale! I love the pictures along the side too! Your run in with Jared's car sounds like something I would do (and have done)!

Diana said...

beautiful picture.
Good luck with Emma. Our insurance doesn't cover speech therapy so we're still trying to figure out what we can do for Joshy. Any suggestions?

Diana said...

Happy Thanksgiving.
Thanks for the info. Joshy did do the school program for about 5 months. (we found out about it when he was over 2 also). WE had him testing to continue on with the preschool, he qualified but the time just didn't work for us, and the PEEP(Provo EArly Education Program) helped some but not that much so I didn't want to rearrange his nap schedule for something that didn't work that well for him. He does much better one-on-one instead of in big groups.
I hope that the program helps Emma.
We'd love to see you when you're in Utah!
Happy Thanksgiving. I hope it was great, that's exciting hosting it for the first time!