Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Fly Control

We had a bit of a fly problem at our house this year. Most of you all know that we live on a dairy farm and one of the downfalls to living on a dairy is the FLYS. A friend of ours gave us a new product for killing flies. So, we were really excited to try it out and try and cut down on the fly problem. So on a Saturday morning Jared and I got out our buckets and brushes and totally scrubbed the entire house. Jared then mixed up the fly mixture and sprayed it on the house. We went to the lake that afternoon and this is what we came home to:

In addition to killing the flies in 30 seconds it is also an attractant. So, for 2 weeks this is what our porch looked like. I would sweep them up and as fast as I was sweeping there was another trail behind me. It was awful. When people would come to the front door, they would here crunching underneath their feet. So, after that two week period was up, we called Treasure Valley Fly Control and they came out and sprayed again, and it has been much better. I guess that is just the joy of living on a farm. I just have to laugh when I look at the pictures.